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North Creek's weekly informative blog about the Landscape Plug™, gardening, design, native plants, and garden ecology!

THE PLUG©—Week 5024: Wildflower Plantings

People plant native wildflowers for a variety of reasons, including supporting wildlife, filtering pollution, and reducing flooding. This week, we explore areas that have benefited from wildflower plantings and highlight their positive impact on the environment—don’t miss out! 793;

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 5024: Wildflower Plantings
THE PLUG©—Week 4824: Gratitude, Community, and Hope

Happy Thanksgiving! As we eflect on the blessings in our lives, let’s also remember those in our community who are facing hardship. Let’s give Robert, his team, and their dream the support they need. Thank you for your generosity, and may your Thanksgiving be filled with love, hope, and community spirit. 505;

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4824: Gratitude, Community, and Hope
THE PLUG©—Week 4724: Resentful Movers

Keep in mind that some native perennials don’t adapt well to being transplanted. These stubborn movers often develop long taproots or robust feeder roots, specially evolved to draw moisture from deep within the soil. While it’s not impossible to relocate them, doing so requires careful handling and diligent care. We're here to give some helpful tips if you're up to the challenge!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4724: Resentful Movers
THE PLUG©—Week 4624: Drought-tolerant and Waterwise Plants

With this exceptionally dry fall sparking discussions on how best to handle drought conditions, we decided to explore drought-tolerant plants that are perfect for your garden—or a client's. Curious to learn more? You're in the right place! 806;

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4624: Drought-tolerant and Waterwise Plants
THE PLUG©—Week 4524: Limited Offerings

Our limited-time offers won’t be around forever. It's first come, first serve! So, we thought we’d spotlight a few unique options we’re featuring right now. Take a look, try something new, and don’t be afraid to color outside the lines!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4524: Limited Offerings
THE PLUG©—Week 4424: Fall Shade

As devoted fans of hauntingly beautiful fall perennials, we’re thrilled to help landscape professionals summon the ideal plants to make outdoor spaces truly eerie-sistible. Take a peek if you dare! 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4424: Fall Shade
THE PLUG©—Week 4324: Wildlife Ramps

Interested in collecting rainwater or having a water feature be a part of your garden? Watch out! Wildlife will be attracted to it (which is a lovely thing!). But it's important to add a safe entry and exit point for these curious visitors. Take a look for inspo and ideas!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4324: Wildlife Ramps
THE PLUG©—Week 4224: Fall Flowers

Chilly nights, leaves changing colors, and the return of pumpkin spice lattes. The seasoin brings changes! So, for landscape professionals seeking options beyond the typical garden mum and seasonal kale, we have a tip or two to freshen up that garden bed! Happy fall y'all! 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4224: Fall Flowers
THE PLUG©—Week 4024: Goth Gardens

Happy Spooky Season! Goth gardening is making waves on social media, and it's fantastic to see people tapping into their mysterious side—not just for Halloween. Enter if you dare... and obtain inspiration for your landscape needs!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4024: Goth Gardens
THE PLUG©—Week 3924: How You Plant Matters!

Motivated by a post from Rebecca McMackin on social media, we reviewed recent scientific studies to provide the best possible habitat for our Monarch friends! Dive into this week's blog to learn about how you can make your landscape a welcoming beacon for these beautiful Monarchs. 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3924: How You Plant Matters!
THE PLUG©—Week 3824: Big Friendly Giants

Give these giants some love! These impressive plants reach over 60 inches tall in ideal conditions within a single season! We know what you're thinking... "What if they're too unruly for my home?", which is a valid point, but don't overlook these giants! Discover how wonderful these friendly giants can be. 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3824: Big Friendly Giants
THE PLUG©—Week 3724: Fall Duties

Fall is approaching with warm days and cool nights. An opportune time to finish planting! As garden beds seem to head into a deep sleep for the cool season(s) to come, our tasks are not finished at North Creek! Look inside to see what fall jobs our Trial Gardens team works on. 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3724: Fall Duties
THE PLUG©—Week 3624: Dry Shade & Deer Resistant Plants

Head in a stump when trying to figure out what's deer resistant, dry shade, and low maintenance? Sometimes, we have to take a walk and discover the answers given to us by nature itself. Take a peek on what nature has to say!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3624: Dry Shade & Deer Resistant Plants
THE PLUG©—Week 3524: Naturalistic Planting Design Course

Starting September 30, world renowned educators and plantsmen, Dr. Noel Kingsbury, Cassian Schmidt, and University of Sheffield Professor, Nigel Dunnett, will embark on a 10-session online course focusing on the ins and outs of naturalistic planting. Click link in article to register -- with North Creek's 25% discount code! 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3524: Naturalistic Planting Design Course
THE PLUG©—Week 3424: Midsummer Rejuvenation

After dealing with harsh weather conditions, from heavy rainfall to periods of drought, landscapes all over are starting to appear weary. But it doesn't have to be this way! Read all about the methods used by Mt. Cuba Center and The High Line NYC, so you can utilize these techniques for your landscapes!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3424: Midsummer Rejuvenation
THE PLUG©—Week 3324: Not as Sweet as Honey

In spring and early summer, delightful fragrances welcome you... You notice the alluring, lovely plant drawing you closer... STOP! You've stumbled upon an invasive honeysuckle! 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3324: Not as Sweet as Honey
THE PLUG©—Week 3224: Cool Season Grasses

Empty areas in our planting design can appear barren and lead to soil erosion. SOS! This fall planting season, it's crucial to fill those bare spots with plants capable of withstanding the upcoming cold weather to prevent erosion.

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3224: Cool Season Grasses
THE PLUG©—Week 3124: Which Rudbeckia is for you?

Love our selection of Rudbeckia, but unsure which one best suits your needs? Take a peek at this week's blog to learn more about our 11 varieties! 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3124: Which Rudbeckia is for you?
THE PLUG©—Week 3024: Introducing the Mt. Cuba Collection®

Over the past twenty years, we have had the honor of collaborating with Mt. Cuba, which has led to the unveiling of six selections in our Mt. Cuba Collection!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 3024: Introducing the Mt. Cuba Collection®
THE PLUG©—Week 2924: Spotlight on Sisyrinchium

Want to add blue flowers to your landscape that's also a native perennial? Look no further! Sisyrinchium captivates with its striking blue flowers featuring yellow centers, blooming profusely from late spring to early summer.

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 2924: Spotlight on Sisyrinchium
THE PLUG©—Week 2824: Optimal Foraging Theory

Many people aim to improve their landscape to better support native wildlife. One way to accomplish this is by integrating a behavioral ecology concept, such as Optimal Foraging Theory (OFT), into your planting design.

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 2824: Optimal Foraging Theory
THE PLUG©—Week 2624: Layering Ferns

Ferns, frequently underestimated, make an excellent low-maintenance choice for shaded areas in both residential and commercial settings. They embody a delicate beauty that is as tough as nails. Explore their resilience and lush green colors as we delve into the advantages of including them in gardens and the various types we have in our collection.

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 2624: Layering Ferns
THE PLUG©—Week 2524: Gravel Gardens

While on a recent tour of the Swarthmore Traffic Circle gravel plantings with Jeff Jabco, Director of Grounds and Coordinator of Horticulture at The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, a group of us inspected these revolutionary gardens. Learn more about gravel gardens in this week's edition of The Plug©.

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 2524: Gravel Gardens
THE PLUG©—Week 1924: PPA Plant of the Year

Since 1990, the Perennial Plant Association has unveiled an herbaceous perennial to be the Perennial Plant of the Year. Take a peek at some of our favorites!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1924: PPA Plant of the Year
THE PLUG©—Week 1824: All Hail Iris

We’re deep into Iris season and about to enter the time when our native blueflag (Iris versicolor) is in its full splendor. If you’ve not worked with this emergent aquatic, this spring might be the perfect time to add Iris versicolor to your next planting design. Learn more about this beauty in this week's issue of The Plug®!


Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1824: All Hail Iris
THE PLUG©—Week 1624: The Little Island That Could

In this week's edition of The Plug©, take a trip with us through Little Island and learn 3 great take-home lessons from this creative, futuristic, and ultimately just plain cool addition to the New York City Parks system!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1624: The Little Island That Could
THE PLUG©—Week 1524: Cue to Care

Nearly thirty years ago, Prof Joan Iverson Nassauer of the University of Minnesota wrote a landmark white paper, “Messy Ecosystems, Orderly Frames,” that shook up how landscape architects and designers thought of how to meet form and function in a landscape. Prof. Nassauer posits a good framework, like that of a frame to a Jackson Pollock painting, can contain and give context to a robust, effusive, ecologically healthy landscape. Although this paper may have a couple of decades under its belt, it's still as relevant today as when it was first published. Read along in this issue of The Plug©!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1524: Cue to Care
THE PLUG©—Week 1424: Liriope Swap

Are you looking to swap out ubiquitous Liriope with native Carex species to boost diversity and support wildlife in the garden? After years of working with Carex and observing how Liriope is typically used in garden design, we have learned the trick to substituting Carex for Liriope. Complete list, just this way!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1424: Liriope Swap
THE PLUG©—Week 1324: Emergent Wet Meadows

With all this rain, we think it’s time to consider a very special habitat - the edges along wet areas - from wet meadows to the basin of rain gardens to lake and pond edges. These plants like their feet moist and can withstand periods of inundation like a champ. Learn more in this edition of The Plug©!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1324: Emergent Wet Meadows
THE PLUG©—Week 1124: Plant Longevity as a Strategy for Lessening Maintenance

In areas where minimal or reduced maintenance levels are necessitated by limited resources of time or funds, choosing plants with low maintenance requirements and robust longevity can be a tool for meeting maintenance time constraints and aesthetic standards. Read more in this week's edition of The Plug©!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1124: Plant Longevity as a Strategy for Lessening Maintenance
THE PLUG©—Week 1024: Made for the Shade

Our new cast of Shady Characters™ are reliable performers with multiple seasons of interest, perfect for customers who want more from their gardens. As an addition to your shade perennial offerings, this cast makes the shade garden a place your customers want to hang out in instead of a forgotten corner. Everything from feathery, soft foliage for effervescent groundcovers to exciting new native hybrids, we’ve got seven plants to tempt you. Do you and your clients a favor—embrace the shadier side!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 1024: Made for the Shade
THE PLUG©—Week 0924: Unsung Garden Heros

One of the best design tips we’ve come across recently is to include at least one filler perennial in a garden arrangement. What’s a filler, one might inquire? Well, we’re glad you asked! Read along to find out!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0924: Unsung Garden Heros
THE PLUG©—Week 0824: Native Plant Solutions for HOAs

Let’s make a step towards change, together! We’d like to encourage a step in the right direction through offering suggestions for potential native plant material that could be beautifully planted in an HOA community while meeting community exterior guidelines. Read along in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0824: Native Plant Solutions for HOAs
THE PLUG©—Week 0724: Native Plants Healthy Planet Podcast Episode 195

North Creek’s hype-man, Steve Castorani, sat in as special guest on the Native Plants, Healthy Planet podcast! Brought to you by our dear friends, plant enthusiasts, horticultural educators extraordinaire—Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick—of New Jersey-based Pinelands Native Plant Nursery.

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0724: Native Plants Healthy Planet Podcast Episode 195
THE PLUG©—Week 0624: Space Invaders: English Ivy

Originally brought to North America in the 1700s as an ornamental shade plant by European colonists, English ivy has overstayed its welcome and needs to be gone once and for all! Read up on how to remove this nuisance plant in our most recent installment of our Space Invaders series!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0624: Space Invaders: English Ivy
THE PLUG©—Week 0524: Layering Bloom Time

Figuring out bloom time for a garden design and then subsequently layering blooms are two of the most important skills a designer can have in their toolbox.  It is an oft-asked garden design requisite, and a well-layered bloom sequence creates a long-lasting, pleasing display for clients. But where, prey tell, is the specific bloom time information on the plant tag?! Read along to find out! 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0524: Layering Bloom Time
THE PLUG©—Week 0424: Sun Tolerance

When we heard of the newly updated USDA Hardiness Zone map (catch yourself up HERE), we thought it was high time to address two other challenges on a plant tag that people ask us about all the time: sun preference and bloom time. This week, we’re delving into the sunny side of plant life—buckle up and throw on those shades!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0424: Sun Tolerance
THE PLUG©—Week 0324: New USDA Hardiness Zones

Hold onto your hats, folks. This week's installment of The Plug® provides the North Creek Notes on the recently revised USDA hardiness zone map. The last update was published in 2012—needless to say, there’s been considerable and meaningful chatter about the new map designations—read along to learn the facts!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0324: New USDA Hardiness Zones
THE PLUG©—Week 0224: Garden Worthy Selections for 2024 PART II

Welcome back to Part II of our peek into new selections hitting availability in 2024! Read along to learn more about these beautiful additons to our product offering!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 0224: Garden Worthy Selections for 2024 PART II
THE PLUG©—Week 5123: Garden Worthy Selections for 2024!

Last week’s installment took us down the garden path of all items Landscape Plug™ worthy, as we unveiled straight species items now available from North Creek. Today, in Part I of our Garden Worthy Selections series, we’ll introduce you to standout selections that have been turning heads and making a name for themselves—over the span of several years and varied seasonal experiences in our trial gardens—the kind of name that has added NEW to their station on our product availability!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 5123: Garden Worthy Selections for 2024!
THE PLUG©—Week 5023: New Landscape Plugs™ for 2024

Coming straight outta our greenhouses and jumping right into your solution-driven landscape designs—if 2024 is poised to bring the heat, North Creek’s got your back! Our crew of straight species plugs are robust & rugged with a splash of whimsy & wonder—all of which can be counted on to run the garden game, no matter your heat index. 

These items are tough, coming out swinging, and bound to go yard—tried and true straight species that are now available from North Creek! 

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 5023: New Landscape Plugs™ for 2024
THE PLUG©—Week 4923: Space Invaders: Japanese Stiltgrass

Japanese stilt grass, or Microstegium vimineum, is a big problem in moist woodlands throughout Pennsylvania. From afar, it’s lush and green, picturesque on the forest floor. But Japanese stilt grass is no joke - it quickly chokes out all other woodland species. Learn how to properly ID and remove stiltgrass from your property & projects in this special Space Invaders segment of this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4923: Space Invaders: Japanese Stiltgrass
THE PLUG©—Week 4823: Naughty or Nice List: Gift Guide for the Horticulturist

It's that time of year! If you're looking for something for the gardener in your life, here are items we find useful—have no fear, we don't get any kickbacks from product promotion—we simply hope to pass on the good word, share what we’ve found garden worthy, and inspire you with your holiday gift-giving!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4823: Naughty or Nice List: Gift Guide for the Horticulturist
THE PLUG©—Week 4623: The Power Behind our Perennials, Landenberg Growers

Last time we met on our series The Power Behind our Perennials, we were behind the scenes meeting our growers based in Oxford at Bluestem Farm. Now, we’re zeroing in on the growers who start our plant’s journey at our propagation nursery in Landenberg, PA at North Creek's World Headquarters. We're proud to introduce Kassie, Pancho, Isabel, Charles and Lalo!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4623: The Power Behind our Perennials, Landenberg Growers
THE PLUG©—Week 4523: The Dark Side of Nature

We’re deep into Scorpio season and think it’s a great time to explore unusual shade plants to set the mood all year round. Everyone knows about the typical cast of shady characters—Hosta and our fabulous fronds the ferns—but why not design with more unique colorways and textures beyond the traditional shades of green?

Join us for a peek at 11 unusual perennials for the shade garden!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4523: The Dark Side of Nature
THE PLUG©—Week 4423: Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Better Together! As plant people, we love to go out and explore nature. While out, one can’t help but notice the beauty on display all around. Explore naturally occuring plant communities in this week's edition of The Plug©!

Visit THE PLUG©—Week 4423: Won't You Be My Neighbor?
THE PLUG© - Week 4323: Creating a Bat-Friendly Garden

October 24-31 is Bat Week!—very fitting considering their association with all things spooky. But what we find truly spooky is the notion of not having bats around.

Don't let your garden go bat-free, learn how to create a bat-friendly garden through the power of perennials!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4323: Creating a Bat-Friendly Garden
THE PLUG© - Week 4223: Smitten with Seed

The tawny hues and subtle tones of seedheads may be more muted than the typical bold floral display, but these quieter qualities crescendo in the late summer and fall, when their melody can be most appreciated accompanying the fading landscape. Enjoy all things SEED in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4223: Smitten with Seed
THE PLUG© - Week 4023: The Power Behind our Perennials, Oxford Growers

We direct the spotlight of this week’s edition of The Plug®: The Power Behind our Perennials, towards North Creek’s Fab 5 Oxford Growing Team: Casey Bremer, Ryan (Butch) Butcher, Olivia DiFilippo, Cindy Goss, and Joanne Gumaer—the next generation of Bluestem Growers!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4023: The Power Behind our Perennials, Oxford Growers
THE PLUG© - Week 3923: Space Invaders: Sweet Autumn Clematis

You’ve probably seen it along roadsides, spilling luxuriantly over fences, seeming to decorate trees—a vine covered with fragrant, fuzzy white flowers. This vine is evocative of fall and inarguably beautiful…but quite invasive. Read more about sweet autumn clematis, Clematis terniflora, in this weeks Space Invaders edition of The Plug!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3923: Space Invaders: Sweet Autumn Clematis
THE PLUG© - Week 3823: A World Of Wasps

World Wasp Day is September 24th—mark your calendar!

Typically regarded as intimidating, wasps get a bad rap due to potentially unpleasant encounters with humans. However sharp the sting—those associated with such zaps are social wasps—which actually comprise very few of the world's wasp population. Discover the benefits of wasps in this edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3823: A World Of Wasps
THE PLUG© - Week 3723: All About Asters

Asters are inarguably excellent plants for the landscape. These fall flowering favorites are profuse bloomers, providing ample nectar for pollinators late into the season. Today we're doing a deep dive into all things Aster by featuring North Creek’s aster offering in Landscape Plugs™.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3723: All About Asters
THE PLUG© - Week 3623: Through the Haze: Autumn Magic in the Landscape

Absolute perfection. Is there anything better than masses of pink muhly grass blooming in the fall?

Autumn is when we notice the planning done by garden designers as they weave magic with perennials and grasses to evoke romance in the landscape. The winning combination of fine-textured foliage with a screening of delicate flowers creates a gentle atmosphere. Hazy plant combinations become more than a mass planting—they become a mood.

To add romance to a garden, weave groupings of hazy flowering perennials and grasses between your shrubs or bold foliage selections. The airiness of the flower heads softens the landscape, making the viewer pause and slow down. The abundance of flowers and stems countered with the delicate texture gives a screening effect to the light, especially backlit by the golden setting sun. The key is to site these plants where they receive gentle breezes for movement, especially in areas that look out on long borrowed views.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3623: Through the Haze: Autumn Magic in the Landscape
THE PLUG© - Week 3523: Create a Hummingbird Garden

If you design a garden with food, water, and shelter, your clients will enjoy hummingbirds in their gardens for years to come. We love giving our ruby-throated hummingbirds a warm welcome and could spend hours watching their antics. Just plan and plant it, and they will come! 

Hummingbirds bring so much color and are full of personality—well worth a little extra planning to make them feel welcome. You can make the hummingbird garden of your client’s dreams with great design and a little preparation.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3523: Create a Hummingbird Garden
THE PLUG© - Week 3423: Native Plant Swaps for Fall Containers

Annual mums, potted cabbage, and ornamental grasses deck patios everywhere in the fall, but we'd like to explore wonderful native plant alternatives as the season approaches. A lot of times, suggested native plant swaps lose something in translation from the original annual display plants—in timing, habit, flower form, or color.

While native plants won't be identical to their ever-accessible counterparts, part of swapping out with native plants is encouraging people to think differently about their landscapes and making native plants easy for them to try. Customers may not even know that there's a native plant alternative to garden mums, native plants that are bred to be the right scale for their home and garden containers. These substitutions won't be a compromise in beauty or function for the gardeners weaving more native plants into their designs. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3423: Native Plant Swaps for Fall Containers
THE PLUG© - Week 3323: Scent in the Garden

Scent in the garden is a classic way to heighten enjoyment of a space and to encourage relaxation. Layering texture, scent, color, and sound deepens the sensory experience. While roses, jasmine, and honeysuckle are traditionally the first plants that spring to mind when considering scent, there also are native plants that are delightfully aromatic.

Scent is part of a plant’s strategy to entice pollinators—attracting bees, moths, butterflies, and flies. But scent doesn’t just attract pollinators, it is attractive to us, too!

A majority of the scent profiles associated with the native plants represented in this article have a deep, musky sweetness to them—most noticeable at dawn and dusk through the summer months. Weave these beautiful native plants in and around the perennial border to increase your clients’ enjoyment of their space.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3323: Scent in the Garden
THE PLUG© - Week 3223: Quick Tip: Maximizing Humidity Tolerance

In the heat and humidity of late summer, you may notice perennial meltdowns. A summer meltdown—when generally hardy plants begin to succumb to high humidity and high daytime and nighttime temperatures—can happen to the best of gardeners.

Even the most reliable performers can get hit by a particularly bad year when consistent rains and high evening temperatures increase the prevalence of mold, mildew, and rot. As usual, we echo the mantra of right plant, right place. Choosing a plant from your locality or similar conditions is the best bet for success. However, Mother Nature is unpredictable.

In this week's Plug, we give tips on maximizing the humidity tolerance of your plants for right now, where they are planted.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3223: Quick Tip: Maximizing Humidity Tolerance
THE PLUG© - Week 3123: The Power Behind our Perennials: Shipping Team

This year's exceptional spring shipping season brought to you by: North Creek's Shipping Team!

This team does it all! Staying on top of everything during the busy season requires attention to detail, perseverance, and teamwork, and this team has what it takes. Their impressive work is instrumental to the business we do—ensuring that our plugs arrive happy and healthy to our customers.

After an excellent shipping season, we wanted to take a deep dive into our shipping process and thank the hardworking team that makes it happen.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3123: The Power Behind our Perennials: Shipping Team
THE PLUG© - Week 3023: National Moth Week 2023

Bring out your fluffiest antennae—we are beyond excited to celebrate MOTH WEEK!

It’s the 12th Annual National Moth Week, July 22-30, 2023. A worldwide celebration of moths, Moth Week is a global citizen science project—a totally volunteer-run initiative to admire, learn about, and appreciate moths. With 160,000 species of moths in the world, we’ve got a lot to celebrate!

In honor of Moth Week, we’d like to highlight 3 interesting moths—with three plant suggestions to support them. By planting native plants, you can support moths throughout their life cycle.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3023: National Moth Week 2023
THE PLUG© - Week 2923: Get to Know Our Resource Guide

Get to know our Resource Guide! In addition to our complete product listing with detailed plant descriptions, cultural information, and photos, this comprehensive publication includes plant lists for practical applications.

If you find yourself with a challenging site, it's helpful to have a place to start when selecting plants. This guide addresses a variety of common site conditions, listing plants from our product offering that serve these needs.

Perhaps you're looking for design solutions to outfit a green roof, or extend your season of interest. In addition to lists that address challenging site conditions, our Resource Guide also includes lists for inspiration for specific types of projects—we've got you covered.

Offered in Landscape Plug™ sizes LP32 or LP50, our plants are well-rooted and ready to take on your site.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2923: Get to Know Our Resource Guide
THE PLUG© - Week 2823: Monarda in the Garden

Beebalm are a beloved class of native perennials belonging to the mint family. They are high impact perennials when grown in large masses, producing many flowers. Bright, colorful tubular flowers attract bees and hummingbirds while the herbal foliage deters deer and rabbits. Blooming through the summer, Monarda is a pest-proof genus and a delightful addition to the client’s garden. Read more about Monarda, including a handy bloom chart, in this week's The Plug!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2823: Monarda in the Garden
THE PLUG© - Week 2723: Buzzing with Ideas to Support Pollinators

In celebration of Pollinator Week (June 19-25), we inquired about how our customers and readership support pollinators, raise awareness and build support around this international celebration. As usual, you delivered! This week's edition of The Plug® features your valued feedback—from rooftops to public parks—you all are working hard and we appreciate your dedication! We hope you are enjoying the holiday week, and we also hope these earnest efforts and stories provide inspiration for your next plan of action for pollinators!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2723: Buzzing with Ideas to Support Pollinators
THE PLUG© - Week 2623: How to Attract (and Keep) Fireflies in Your Outdoor Spaces

World Firefly Day is the first Saturday in July every year. This year, it will be on July 1st. Join us in celebrating this whimsical insect as we continue to shine a light on our pollinators.
Fireflies, also known as lightning bugs, are beloved insects to all of us who live in the moist environments of temperate and tropical regions worldwide. Their cheery blinking bioluminescent light elicits warm feelings of nostalgia as we remember evenings in summers pastmaking the firefly is a perfect representative for the call to action to protect habitat. 
Read more about how you can attract and keep fireflies in your outdoor spaces in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2623: How to Attract (and Keep) Fireflies in Your Outdoor Spaces
THE PLUG© - Week 2523: Share How You Support Pollinators

Happy Pollinator Week! To build awareness around this international celebration, North Creek Nurseries wants to know how you support our local pollinators!
Have you… changed land management practices? Developed an integrated pest management system? Given public lectures around the importance of habitat, pollinators, and native plants? Chosen predominantly native plants in your landscape designs? Worked on some other idea that we’ve never even heard of?
Let us know! We’d love to hear from you and share your stories in an upcoming edition of The Plug® so we can all become better advocates for our pollinators.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2523: Share How You Support Pollinators
THE PLUG© - Week 2423: Our Top Pycs for Pollinator Month

June is Pollinator Month. Next week is Pollinator Week. We're pumped because here at North Creek, we're potting for pollinators 365 days a year!

With everyone buzzing about pollinators, it's the perfect time to feature one of our favorite pollinator powerhouses, Pycnanthemum. 

The name Pycnanthemum comes from the Greek pyknos, meaning dense, and anthos, meaning flower, so you know what that means—many flowers and insects! Plants in this genus are known for their aromatic foliage, attractiveness to insects, and ability to tolerate even the toughest of conditions.

The following three Pycnanthemum are offered in our Landscape Plug™ collection, guaranteed to come to you in (mountain) mint condition—rooted and ready to take on your next project. Here are our top Pycs for Pollinator Month!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2423: Our Top Pycs for Pollinator Month
THE PLUG© - Week 2323: Space Invaders: Poison Ivy

Leaces of three, let it be? Not if you're Umar Mycka.

As the owner and founder of Poison Ivy Horticulturist, Inc, Umar Mycka is the man to call if you find yourself in a potentially itchy situation. You see, Umar has made it his life’s mission to eradicate poison ivy (PI) from commercial and residential landscapes in and around southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and northern Delaware—wherever the distress calls come in from! In step with his skilled team of poison ivy technicians, Umar has masterful expertise in dealing with poison ivy infestations.

Read more about Umar and his favorite plant in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2323: Space Invaders: Poison Ivy
THE PLUG© - Week 2223: Community Connections: Meadowitos

Welcome to our newest segment of The Plug® Community Connections. In this series, we will be featuring community-based projects striving to positively impact the health of pollinators, habitats, and humans—passionate citizens of the Brandywine Valley (and surrounding areas!) that are thinking globally and acting locally.

Our first spotlight for Community Connections is the tremendous work being done just 7 miles away in Kennett Square, PA—allow us to introduce the Meadowitos Initiative!

An exciting undertaking of the Kennett Library, Meadowitos is transforming small urban spaces in Kennett Square into pollinator gardens while providing excellent ecological function for the environment and educational opportunities to borough and township residents and visitors from near and far.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2223: Community Connections: Meadowitos
THE PLUG© - Week 2123: PA Native Species Day at North Creek Nurseries

We were honored to host the celebration of the 2nd Annual PA Native Species Day last Thursday, May 18th. This year's press conference was held on a beautiful day in North Creek's gardens and featured speakers from agencies highlighting the importance of taking action to conserve Pennsylvania's native species and eradicate invasive species. Thank you to the PA Governor's Invasive Species Council for this opportunity! Read more and view the press conference in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2123: PA Native Species Day at North Creek Nurseries
THE PLUG© - Week 2023: Celebrate PA Native Species Day

Today, May 18th, marks the second annual PA Native Species Day—a day founded to recognize and celebrate the critical role our native plants, trees, insects, fish, birds, and mammals afford the over 46,000 square miles within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Instituted on June 17, 2022, by the Governor’s Invasive Species Council, PA Native Species Day serves to educate and encourage citizens of the Keystone State to take action to sustain the wonders of Pennsylvania’s biodiverse ecosystems while in chorus with stressing the importance of reducing the occurrence of invasive species.

In concordance with PA Native Species Day and World Bee Day (occurring Saturday, May 20th), today’s issue of The Plug® will pay homage to three species from North Creek’s tried and true plant palette with PA provenance, pollinator appeal, and pure beauty.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2023: Celebrate PA Native Species Day
THE PLUG© - Week 1923: The Longest Bloom: Perennials with Flower Power

These sun-loving perennials are bred for maximum flower power!
At times, you may find yourself needing as many flowers as possible for as long as possible. Maybe the plant budget is limited. Maybe there isn’t much planting space. Either way—you need to maximize flower power in a concentrated area.
We have a short list of perennials that come in handy for just these occasions. These durable selections bloom for months, not weeks, and require little to no help to accomplish this feat.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1923: The Longest Bloom: Perennials with Flower Power
THE PLUG© - Week 1823: Dry Shade Solutions

Dry shade—one of the top challenges we get contacted about regularly. If your site is blessed with a mature deciduous tree, the challenge is what to plant beneath it. While the lack of light beneath the canopy is one issue, the more pressing problem is the fierce root competition. Not every shade-loving perennial will cut it...but never fear, we have dry-shade solutions for you! Who says dry shade is no fun?


Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1823: Dry Shade Solutions
THE PLUG© - Week 1723: The Power Behind Our Perennials

Our Plant Trials and Gardens team has a lot on their plate—an entire living laboratory—over three acres of garden space dedicated to evaluating our catalogue offering and potential new plant introduction genetics brought in front plant breeders, industry suppliers, and native plant enthusiasts. Through these evaluations, plant material goes through a vigorous vetting process and must meet the standards of the New Plant Principles—the plant is garden worthy, does not assert aggressive or invasive tendencies, and requires minimal additional inputs once established—in order to be considered for introduction. Speaking of introductions, we'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our wonderful team! We hope you enjoy getting to know the muscle and might behind our collection of display and trial gardens. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1723: The Power Behind Our Perennials
THE PLUG© - Week 1623: Earth Day 2023

Live every day like it's Earth Day.
Here at North Creek Nurseries, we work hard to consider how our actions affect the landscape. It’s not just about the plants we growit’s about how we grow the plants and how we interact with our greater community and environment.
Learn more in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1623: Earth Day 2023
THE PLUG© - Week 1523: Dormant, not dead!

At this time of year, customers are likely to receive a combination of dormant and fresh material from North Creekdon’t fret, everything is just fine!

In winter and early spring, deliveries arriving from North Creek will contain dormant plugs, fresh plugs, or a combination of the two. Both have a mature, established root system; however, dormant plugs have little-to-no visible top growth while fresh plugs have lush green visible top growth. Newly arrived dormant material requires different care than fresh material. Learn more in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1523: Dormant, not dead!
THE PLUG© - Week 1423: Homegrown National Park

North Creek Nurseries is proud to partner with Homegrown National Park® in their efforts to light up our communities with native plantings to support local biodiversity.
Homegrown National Park® is a grassroots call-to-action to regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function by planting native plants and creating new ecological networks. It is the largest cooperative conservation project ever conceived or attempted.
Get on the Map!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1423: Homegrown National Park
THE PLUG© - Week 1323: Get Started with Rain Gardens

Following up on World Water Day last week, we want to dive deeper into actions we can take to mitigate stormwater runoff. To help decrease flooding and improve stormwater storage and filtration, homeowners and businesses can install rain gardens on their property.
Not only do rain gardens help with stormwater pollution and overflow, they also can be beautiful and provide much-needed habitat for wildlife. Rain gardens are a long-lived, low-tech, and low-cost option for dealing with rain water flooding your property. Learn more about rain gardens in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1323: Get Started with Rain Gardens
THE PLUG© - Week 1223: World Water Day

In honor of World Water Day, we here at North Creek want to raise awareness about this essential natural resource. We can all help improve our water systems by changing the way we use, consume, and manage water in our daily lives. The challenges our water systems face impel us to create inventive solutions to support biodiversity, navigate stormwater runoff more successfully, and ultimately increase resilience. Read more in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1223: World Water Day
THE PLUG© - Week 1123: The Importance of Order

Easy to overlook, yet integral to the long term success of your planting, the order in which plant material is installed can significantly impact the amount of time spent maintaining a new planting. This method requires forethought and planning, but is worth it when the time comes to bring shovel to earth. In this week's edition of THE PLUG, we will be examining an essential aspect of garden installation, something relevant to landscape professionals and home gardeners alike: the importance of planting order.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1123: The Importance of Order
THE PLUG© - Week 1023: Space Invaders: Multiflora Rose

Invasive species can evoke both frustration and terror in the hearts of gardeners. Noxious and obnoxious, these pernicious plants can be caught encroaching into your beloved garden beds, taking territory heedlessly as they go...but fear not, there is a period when these plants are particularly exposed and can be dealt with, and the time is now! This time of year, before most of our deciduous native trees and shrubs leaf out, is an opportune time to spot (and zap!) invasive species in the landscape. One such species we are tackling now is the destructive and despicable Rosa multiflora. This week's edition of The Plug® is brought to you by Arden Pontasch, Plant Trials Manager here at the Creek!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1023: Space Invaders: Multiflora Rose
THE PLUG© - Week 0923: Rethinking the Lawn

Looking to replace turf lawn with a native plant alternative?

It can be intimidating for homeowners to make a leap of faith into the unknown - to tear out familiar lawn and replace it with "native plant alternatives." If you're trying to convince clients about the benefits of native plant lawn replacements, here are some great reasons.

For more information, read this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0923: Rethinking the Lawn
THE PLUG© - Week 0823: Tools of the Trade

Time for cutting back the garden is on the horizon! Today, we’re exploring our favorite tools for getting this big job done. We’re looking at what’s the fastest, what’s the most efficient, and what’s the most precise. Depending on what you need for your client’s space, you may need different tools for the job. Read along with this installment of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0823: Tools of the Trade
THE PLUG© - Week 0723: Shady Groundhuggers™

Right now, trees are being planted in record numbers. Farmer's fields are converting to suburban home sites to meet growing housing needs. In cities, we’re creating more and taller buildings that often shade urban environments. As shade increases in our built-up areas, so does the demand for shade-tolerant plants to fill these understory spaces. Read along as we shed a little light on tough perennials for woodland spaces, enjoy!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0723: Shady Groundhuggers™
THE PLUG© - Week 0623: Solution Driven Sedges

Carex is quickly becoming a garden favorite for designers and homeowners alike. The humble appearance of the grass-like sedges blends well with any garden scheme and provides much needed texture, wildlife food and habitat, erosion control, and winter presence. If you’ve never experimented with sedges before, let this be your sign to give it a try!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0623: Solution Driven Sedges
THE PLUG© - Week 0523: Native Evergreen Forbs for Winter Interest

Evergreen plants provide habitat cover and forage for overwintering wildlife, help control soil erosion with active roots, and prevent winter weed seed germination by covering the ground. That’s a lot of bang for your buck. Let’s give the winter landscape more attention—here is our list of 20 evergreen forbs you can plant for winter interest!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0523: Native Evergreen Forbs for Winter Interest
THE PLUG© - Week 0323: New Items for Growers & Gardeners

Are you ready to dive into Part II of our New Products overview for 2023? Last week we rolled out the new Landscape Plug™ items we've added to our availability—this week we'll zero in on our new 72 & 50-plug tray liners for your upcoming growing season.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0323: New Items for Growers & Gardeners
THE PLUG© - Week 0223: New Landscape Plugs™ for 2023

Our 2023 growing season offers an assortment of selections perfect for blanketing your garden space with a touch of vegetative relaxation. From seed-grown North American species geared to provide garden solutions to low-maintenance marvels with a touch of coziness and comfort—you can depend on North Creek’s plant palette to solve problem areas while delivering impact. Follow along here!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0223: New Landscape Plugs™ for 2023
THE PLUG© - Week 4222: Garden Master Class

Starting November 21st, world renowned educators and plantsmen, Dr. Noel Kingsbury and University of Sheffield Professor, Nigel Dunnett, will embark on an 8-session online course focusing on the ins and outs of naturalistic planting. Click link in article to register -- with North Creek's 20% discount code! 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4222: Garden Master Class
THE PLUG© - Week 4122: Climate Resilient Landscapes Part IV

Part III of our series entitled, Building Climate Resilience in the Landscape, covered soils, water, flora and the bigger picture. Moving into the fourth and final segment we will present some of the best plants for the job, provide a case scenario, and conclude with next steps for all of us to consider. Enjoy!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4122: Climate Resilient Landscapes Part IV
THE PLUG© - Week 3922: Climate Resilient Landscapes Part III

In Part III of our blog post focused on Building Climate Resilience in the Landscape, we'll dig into soil, water, flora and the big picture. If you missed Part(s) I & II, click links below to start from the beginning of this lengthy conversation. Enjoy!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3922: Climate Resilient Landscapes Part III
THE PLUG© - Week 3822: Climate Resilient Landscapes Part II

Much of our land has undergone large changes that have degraded its natural productivity and ecosystem processes. How do we take land that has been degraded and return it to higher functioning levels? First, we must know what conditions create a functioning landscape.

In Part II of our blog post focused on Building Climate Resilience in the Landscape, we'll take a peek at the components that make up a functioning ecosystem.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3822: Climate Resilient Landscapes Part II
THE PLUG© - Week 3722: Climate Resilient Landscapes

In the face of increasing climate irregularities, there has been a call to action for those working with the natural world to build systems that are adaptive and resilient. Only a few decades ago, it was permissible for a garden to be merely “pretty.” However, with the mounting evidence of the drastic effects of climate change resulting in unexpected droughts, fires, floods, and stronger-than-ever storms, our landscapes are challenged with doing more.

Over the next few weeks, our THE PLUG posts will cover the hot topic of gardening for climate resilient gardens and how to build them. Enjoy!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3722: Climate Resilient Landscapes
THE PLUG© - Week 3622: Stealing the Show Part II

Grasses are so ubiquitous that they’re assumed to be present in a landscape without conscious thought and when they’re not there, the landscape can feel like it lacks something. In Part II of Whimsical Warm Season Grasses we'll take a peek at some reliable species for pocket prairie type settings where height needs to be kept in check, and also a few species well suited for areas where room to spread out and put on a show is a must!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3622: Stealing the Show Part II
THE PLUG© - Week 3522: Stealing the Show

Often overlooked and underappreciated, warm-season grasses are the glue that holds the landscape together. Our 2-part series entitled Whimsical Warm Season Grasses, we'll dive into some standout selections for residential applications, short-height pocket prairie environments, and selections suited for larger garden spaces.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3522: Stealing the Show
THE PLUG© - Week 3422: Beat the Heat!

While many of us shudder at the idea of living in what sounds like an oven, people who live in hot areas acclimate to the conditions and thrive. What do desert lovers have to do with plants?

Our native plants come from different climates and environments. Depending on the environment they are from will tell you what conditions they are acclimated to and tolerate well.

Learn more about hot & humid conditions vs. hot & dry conditions in this week's The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3422: Beat the Heat!
THE PLUG© - Week 3322: Technically Speaking

You may have noticed this latest addition on our website plant descriptions? We’ve added technical information for growers! Learn more about how to get the most out of this information from The Plug® Technically Speaking!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3322: Technically Speaking
THE PLUG© - Week 2822: Plants of Merit

These Plants of Merit are great additions to a garden design, adding much-needed late season color and pollinator support. We even have an entire section of groundcovers for sunny or shady garden locations, perfect to suppress weeds and to plant along garden edges. Read along in this week's edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2822: Plants of Merit
THE PLUG© - Week 2722: New Plant Introductions for Summer 2022

Cultivate is just around the corner—this week's edition of The Plug® will highlight items we'll be rolling out for the 2022 & 2023 growing seasons!
These selections range from new to the industry and straight species goodness to meet particular customer needs to customer requests that are new additions to our catalog and a couple of hard-to-find favorites that we are growing again! Check out what we’re growing for you, tried and tested garden-worthy plants perfect for your retail bench or new garden installation!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2722: New Plant Introductions for Summer 2022
THE PLUG© - Week 2622: Wild Bleeding Heart

Dicentra eximia is a cornerstone of our American eastern woodland garden in the spring. Learn more about this woodland beauty in this edition of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2622: Wild Bleeding Heart
THE PLUG© - Week 2522: Beyond Asters

Asters from North America are enjoyed the world over. This week's The Plug® explores the beauty of Asters! 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2522: Beyond Asters
THE PLUG© - Week 2422: Pollinator Week 2022!

The third week of June marks Pollinator Week -- a week-long celebration which works to educate people about the diverse world of pollinators. Read along and learn how you can help!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2422: Pollinator Week 2022!
THE PLUG© - Week 2322: Ziegler Elementary Pollinator Garden

Giving Back to our Community with help from American Beauties Native Plants, learn more about this new pollinator garden at Ziegler Elementary School in northeast Philadelphia!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2322: Ziegler Elementary Pollinator Garden
THE PLUG© - Week 2222: Stormbustin' Honey

You guys know we love our native plants—it’s kind of our thing—but let me tell you, we’re not the only ones! Our bees love them too, and we love our partnership with Stormbustin' Honey!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2222: Stormbustin' Honey
THE PLUG© - Week 2122: Support our Pollinators Part II

Part II of Support our Pollinators highlights specific plants that support very specific insects - those that are now rare and federally endangered. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2122: Support our Pollinators Part II
THE PLUG© - Week 2022: Support our Pollinators

In addition to planting milkweed to help the Monarchs, this installment of The Plug® sheds light on specialist pollinators out there that are facing dramatic population losses, and what you can plant to help!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2022: Support our Pollinators
THE PLUG© - Week 1822: Spotted Lanternfly Reminder

Friendly reminder to be on the lookout for the return of Spotted Lanternfly nymphs!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1822: Spotted Lanternfly Reminder
THE PLUG© - Week 1722: Dividing Warm Season Grases

Now is the time of year to divide your warm-season grasses! Learn how to with this week's issue of The Plug®!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1722: Dividing Warm Season Grases
THE PLUG© - Week 1622: Perennial Herb Garden

Beyond basil, dill and thyme -- consider some of these wonderful native perennials for your herb garden!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1622: Perennial Herb Garden
THE PLUG© - Week 1522: Praying Mantis ID—Native or Invasive

Learn how to ID the the ootheca (egg case) of native and invasive praying mantises.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1522: Praying Mantis ID—Native or Invasive
THE PLUG© - Week 1422: Meet the Mt. Cuba Collection

We're proud to announce our partnership with Mt. Cuba Center in bringing their native plant selections to the gardening world! 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1422: Meet the Mt. Cuba Collection
THE PLUG© - Week 1322: How to Order

Top 3 tips to ensure you receive your order just how you want it!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1322: How to Order
THE PLUG© - Week 1122: Grow it to Know it

Rock your garden designs with 6 tricks on how to know and use your plants to create a more dynamic garden design. Over our 30 years worth of experience, we've seen our plants in lots of different situations. We want to show you how different amounts of soil moisture, how you cut back a plant, and even whether it is from seed or from plug can change how a plant performs in your garden designs. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1122: Grow it to Know it
THE PLUG© - Week 1022: Spring is for Sedges

As winter comes to a close, this is a perfect time to consider sedges in your spring garden! Come learn about our favorite 7 Carex to add to your shade garden designs.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1022: Spring is for Sedges
THE PLUG© - Week 0922: Dormancy

It's that time of year again! Spring is coming and plant shipments are arriving to your worksite. Learn the differences in the plant material arriving at your door - from vernalized dormant material, emerging, or fresh growth from the greenhouse and when to plant them and how to take care of them in this week's The Plug.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0922: Dormancy
THE PLUG© - Week 0822: Evergreen Basal Leaves

Utilize a plant survival adaptation for your garden designs! We explore evergreen basal rosettes - why they exist, how they benefit your garden designs, and our favorite plants in this week's The Plug.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0822: Evergreen Basal Leaves
THE PLUG© - Week 0722: Winter Interest

People talk about winter interest all the time but what about plants that still are holding their own against Ol' Man Winter even late in the season of February or March? Here is our list of plants that are still providing interest in the garden even after the winter rains, snows, winds, and general dreariness. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0722: Winter Interest
THE PLUG© - Week 0622: Grow your Native Plant Business!

Big ideas to GROW your native plant business! In this week's The Plug, we consider the obstacles that are in the average garden customer's path to growing native plants and what WE can do to make it easier for them!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0622: Grow your Native Plant Business!
THE PLUG© - Week 0522: Salt-Tolerant Plants

Salt-tolerant plants! A list of plants that are salt-tolerant for you as winter rolls on and salt piles up in the roadsides and sidewalks. By selecting tough plants for those areas, you can ensure a long-lasting planting design enjoyed for many seasons to come!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0522: Salt-Tolerant Plants
THE PLUG© - Week 0422: Soil Testing

The off-season is the perfect time to test your soil! For better soil health and planting design, knowing your soil is crucial. Learn the how and why as well as how to choose the best plants for your soil conditions. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0422: Soil Testing
THE PLUG© - Week 0222: Evergreen Native Groundcovers

Tired of the only speck of green in gardens are invasive groundcovers like ivy, wintercreeper, and Pachysandra? We understand people want a low-maintenance landscape that looks great all year round. Why not give our native evergreen groundcovers a try? There are so many great native alternatives to harmful invasives.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0222: Evergreen Native Groundcovers
THE PLUG© - Week 0122: Mixing Sizes

Want your client's garden budget to go further? Try our planting tip - mix your container sizes! Learn how and where to apply this strategy in a client's garden installation to create instant impact AND have enough plants. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0122: Mixing Sizes
THE PLUG© - Week 5021: Caring for your Hand Tools

Now is the time for working on your winter chore list! First up? Cleaning your hand tools. We go through how, step-by-step, to help you during the winter downtime. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 5021: Caring for your Hand Tools
THE PLUG© - Week 4921: Top 10 Native Perennials for Cut Flowers

Flower farmers - looking to expand perennial crops in your cut flower fields? Wanting to add native plants to increase the diversity of offerings and attract wildlife? Read our top 10 best native plants for cut flowers (cut flower trials performed by NC State extension).

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4921: Top 10 Native Perennials for Cut Flowers
THE PLUG© - Week 4821: Top 6 Perennials for Winter Birds

Seedheads: the original bird feeders! If you're looking to attract birds to your garden in winter, here are our top 6 perennial genera that support the birds.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4821: Top 6 Perennials for Winter Birds
THE PLUG© - Week 4621: Delayed Fall Projects

Delayed fall planting project? Here is how to protect your plants until the site is ready for installation. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4621: Delayed Fall Projects
THE PLUG© - Week 4521: Extending the Season

Our top 3 tips for strategies to extend the fall in the garden - a multi-pronged garden planning adaptation to changing weather in the face of climate change. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4521: Extending the Season
THE PLUG© - Week 4421: Frost Heave

Winter chore list? Check your new plantings for frost heave. Learn more about it in this week's The Plug!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4421: Frost Heave
THE PLUG© - Week 4321: Spring Orders

Now is the time to order your plants for spring!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4321: Spring Orders
THE PLUG© - Week 4221: Educating Customers #leavetheleaves

Treating leaves as a resource in the garden instead of trash is a shift in perspective. Educating your customers about the precious resources in their own backyards can be difficult which is why it's good to have some straightforward points!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4221: Educating Customers #leavetheleaves
THE PLUG© - Week 4121: 5 Native Plant Swaps for Fall

Instead of garden mums and cabbage, spice up your fall display with perennial native plants that give you more bang for your buck with the ability to come back year after year and support our native pollinators!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4121: 5 Native Plant Swaps for Fall
THE PLUG© - Week 4021: Mixed boxes with fall dormancy

Don't be alarmed! The plants aren't dead! Inside your boxes arriving in fall, there may be some flats with active growth and some going into dormancy. Learn what this means for the plants and your planting schedule in this week's The Plug!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4021: Mixed boxes with fall dormancy
THE PLUG© - Week 3921: Rabbit-Resistant Plants

Have rabbits in the garden munching all of your plants? Here is a list of plants that deter rabbits from eating them in this week's The Plug©.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3921: Rabbit-Resistant Plants
THE PLUG© - Week 3821: Fern Craze!

We're living through another fern craze! Come see why this plant is back in fashion (tl;dr - it's low maintenance!) and our lists for all the ferns for conditions your garden designs are frequently handling. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3821: Fern Craze!
THE PLUG© - Week 3721: Royalties and Patents

Royalties, patents - what's the deal? If you work in the plant world, these are the nitty-gritty details that affect the pocketbook. We explain the details of these plant protections and how it affects you in this week's The Plug©.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3721: Royalties and Patents
THE PLUG© - Week 3521: Large-Scale Maintenance Management

One of the most common questions we receive is about how to take care of large landscapes and the timing around each task. In this week's The Plug, we explore the importance of caring for large-scale landscape projects and the timing of what job should be done when. Included are three free downloads that can help you and your team schedule maintenance and care for your projects. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3521: Large-Scale Maintenance Management
THE PLUG© - Week 3321: Taxonomic Name Changes

Taxonomic name changes - if we ignore them, will they go away? There's been a shakedown by taxonomists in several different plant groups and we go through and explore who has been changed and how we're responding in this week's The Plug™.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3321: Taxonomic Name Changes
THE PLUG© - Week 3221: Time to get warm-season grasses in!

What should you get planting now in August? Warm-season grasses, that's what! Give these plants, and several other varieties, the rooting time they require in the landscape before a fall frost. Learn more about what to plant now!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3221: Time to get warm-season grasses in!
THE PLUG© - Week 3121: Meet Heliopsis!

Meet our smooth ox-eye collection! A great addition to the summer perennial border, this plant shines in late summer as other perennials begin to fade. Learn more about Heliopsis helianthoides and some great cultivars to use in your next project.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3121: Meet Heliopsis!
THE PLUG© - Week 3021: Common Drought Stress Signs

Drought stress at this time of year is very common. For best success with your plantings, we help you identify drought stress signs in the field and give you ways to remedy this problem for now and for the future. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3021: Common Drought Stress Signs
THE PLUG© - Week 2821: Plants that Bridge the Gap

In between the spring season bursting with flower power and the summer where the heat triggers another flush of heat-loving perennials, is the "bridge" period. Typically in late May to early July, this period can be a quiet period in the garden. Bridge the gap between seasons with perennials that flower during this time period.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2821: Plants that Bridge the Gap
THE PLUG© - Week 2721: Divisions and Cuttings

Our final installment about our propagation series, we explore how we use divisions and cuttings as a propagating type for our plants. We interview our stock grower and find out how it's done and what are some of our greatest challenges. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2721: Divisions and Cuttings
THE PLUG© - Week 2521: June Cutbacks

After spring and early summer perennials are finished blooming and their foliage begins to look tired, now is the perfect time to get in a client's garden and do some summer maintenance! We go through examples of plants that do well with a trim now and tips on how to do it.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2521: June Cutbacks
THE PLUG© - Week 2421: Scrawny Plants in a Shade Garden

The plants in this shade garden look scrawny and not like the catalog image - what's going on? In this week's The Plug©, we go through the different types of shade and why that's important to your garden design success.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2421: Scrawny Plants in a Shade Garden
THE PLUG© - Week 2321: Watering

For the question we receive often  - for your newly installed Landscape Plugs™, when to water, how often, and for how long. This is a thorough exploration of this topic and we hope it gives you the answers you're seeking.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2321: Watering
THE PLUG© - Week 2221: Tissue Culture

Let's get behind the scenes and learn about our most frequently asked about propagation type - tissue culture!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2221: Tissue Culture
THE PLUG© - Week 2121: Floating Treatment Wetlands

Learn about our Floating Treatment Wetlands, under evaluation by our Plant Trials and Gardens team, as a way of mitigating algal bloom in our stormwater system and ponds. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2121: Floating Treatment Wetlands
THE PLUG© - Week 2021: Seed Propagation

Learn about how North Creek propagates plant material using seed. We go through the benefits, drawbacks, and challenges to give a more rounded picture of growing with seed!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2021: Seed Propagation
THE PLUG© - Week 1921: 15 Favorite Self-Sowing Perennials

For seasonal bloom events, we go through 15 of our favorite self-sowing perennials that can be layered into a garden design for maximum flower power. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1921: 15 Favorite Self-Sowing Perennials
THE PLUG© - Week 1821: DEADLY Plants

Why reinvent the wheel? We go through a list of native plants that contain toxic alkaloids that prevent herbivory to help YOU design the deer + rabbit -proof garden of your dreams!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1821: DEADLY Plants
THE PLUG© - Week 1721: Mulch = crime against horticulture??

Is mulch necessary in a landscape? This week, we explore the reasons why mulch is and can be used, the different kinds of mulch and their pros and cons, and how North Creek uses mulch in our landscape. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1721: Mulch = crime against horticulture??
THE PLUG© - Week 1621: Removing LPs from their trays - NO SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED!

We frequently receive questions about what is the best way to remove our Landscape Plugs™ from their plug trays. We hear you! So, for those new to working with North Creek - here is the way we remove Landscape Plugs™ from their tray, don't search the box! No special tools are required!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1621: Removing LPs from their trays - NO SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED!
THE PLUG© - Week 1521: Native Plant Retail Centers

Do you have a retail garden center or small business that sells native plants?

Then we want to hear from YOU!

We're updating the Retail Sources page on our website and would love to feature North Creek customers growing native plants for retail. We frequently have homeowners who come across our social media or website when they're looking for native plant nurseries in their area. We wish to direct these native plant enthusiasts to the retail garden center selling native plants in their area—aka YOUR BUSINESS!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1521: Native Plant Retail Centers
THE PLUG© - Week 1421: Spring Division as a Part of Maintenance

It's that time of year again! Time for dividing perennials, grasses, and ferns. We explore why you should add this activity to your spring maintenance schedules, what plants to divide, when to do it, and how to do it - all in this post! Whew. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1421: Spring Division as a Part of Maintenance
THE PLUG© - Week 1221: Wetland Indicator Status Search Function!

We've updated and IMPROVED our search function on our website! See what's new and how to utilize our search options to select plants best suited for your garden projects.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1221: Wetland Indicator Status Search Function!
THE PLUG© - Week 1121: Cool Season Grass Cutbacks

Learn garden maintenance strategies for your cool-season grasses and sedges - if they need a winter cutback, how hard it should be, and when to do it - in this week's The Plug®.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1121: Cool Season Grass Cutbacks
THE PLUG© - Week 1021: Dormant, Emerging, Green

Plants are arriving to your projects in different stages of growth. Learn about the different stages and how to take care of them until you are able to plant the material into the ground for your projects. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1021: Dormant, Emerging, Green
THE PLUG© - Week 0921: Spring Cutbacks

It's the season for cutbacks in the garden for spring! We go over what tools we use, how we do it, and our timing as well as overview other methods so you can pick the perfect maintenance plan for your project needs.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0921: Spring Cutbacks
THE PLUG© - Week 0821: The Lost Garden of Hagley

Come see the restoration of the Lost Garden of Hagley in Wilmington, Delaware (right in our own backyard!).

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0821: The Lost Garden of Hagley
THE PLUG© - Week 0721: Heat and Humidity tolerant Plants

We're melting! Here is our list (and two garden ideas!) for our native (and some non-native) plants that are tolerant of heat and humidity, especially great for gardens in the southeast United States. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0721: Heat and Humidity tolerant Plants
THE PLUG© - Week 0521: SPECIAL BULLETIN on Carex flacca

Special Bulletin: North Creek Nurseries has decided to pull Carex flacca and its cultivars from our offerings due to invasive plant concerns. Read more here about this plant and how we've come to this decision.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0521: SPECIAL BULLETIN on Carex flacca
THE PLUG© - Week 0621: Vole Damage

Do you have voles causing mayhem in your plant designs? Learn more about this garden creature and our thoughts on care for the garden in this week's The Plug.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0621: Vole Damage
THE PLUG© - Week 0421: Plants for Cold Climates

Brrr! Here is our list (and two garden ideas!) for our native plants that are tolerant of cold! We look at plants in USDA Zone 2-5 and show that while it may be cold, these tough plants can more than handle it!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0421: Plants for Cold Climates
THE PLUG© - Week 0321: Your Top 6 FAQs

Get the scoop about working with North Creek! We answer customer's Top 6 questions about how to order plant material and how our shipping works on this week's The Plug.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0321: Your Top 6 FAQs
THE PLUG© - Week 0221: Book now for spring and summer planting

The increased interest in gardening, brought about by the stay-at-home orders for COVID-19, is going strong for spring 2021. We go into the state of the industry trends from 2020. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0221: Book now for spring and summer planting
THE PLUG© - Week 0121: Meet our new Baptisias!

Two new species Baptisia added for spring 2021! Lots of requests have been made for straight species Baptisia - you asked, we listened. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0121: Meet our new Baptisias!
THE PLUG© - Week 5120: Holiday Gift Guide

A holiday gift guide for gardeners with gift ideas* for under $40. (We asked around - these are gifts that gardeners ACTUALLY want). 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 5120: Holiday Gift Guide
THE PLUG© - Week 5020: Invasive plants for Holiday Decor

What's the best way to get rid of invasive plants? To use 'em up! We're making holiday wreaths, boughs, floral arrangements, and baskets from foraged invasive plants in our woods. Double the seasonal cheer by creating something beautiful while cleaning up your local ecosystem!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 5020: Invasive plants for Holiday Decor
THE PLUG© - Week 4920: Homegrown National Park

Join Dr. Doug Tallamy's movement towards increasing biodiversity and reconnecting ecosystems by getting on the map for Homegrown National Park!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4920: Homegrown National Park
THE PLUG© - Week 4820: Good roots, dormant plants

Let's talk about good roots! If the ground is still workable where you are, consider doing a late-season planting with Landscape Plugs going into dormancy!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4820: Good roots, dormant plants
THE PLUG© - Week 4720: Seed Cultivars

Continuing on the conversation around seed grown crops, we dive into the question of seed cultivars and genetic diversity. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4720: Seed Cultivars
THE PLUG© - Week 4620: Fall Weeds

Leave the stems and spent flower heads to the insects and wildlife for habitat! Use this pleasant weather for better things - getting a headstart on those cool season weeds! Learn about the most common kinds of cool season weeds and how to get rid of them. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4620: Fall Weeds
THE PLUG© - Week 4420: Lawn Alternatives

Thinking about replacing your non-native turf with a native lawn? We give our top plants for the job and how to get rid of your old lawn to increase it's beauty and it's function, for you and the wildlife!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4420: Lawn Alternatives
THE PLUG© - Week 4320: Milkweed kills Spotted Lanternfly!

We love milkweed (Asclepias sp.) for their natural beauty and because they help the endangered Monarch butterfly but is there a whole new reason to plant this native perennial in your garden?

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4320: Milkweed kills Spotted Lanternfly!
THE PLUG© - Week 4120: Exploring Chelone

Learn all about Chelone - from the best place to plant them to what native insects they support - on this week's The Plug. We go in-depth of all the varieties we offer so you can choose the best one for your garden. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4120: Exploring Chelone
THE PLUG© - Week 4020: Variation in seed grown crops

Seed-grown plants have a wonderful dearth of genetic diversity in each little seed. Sometimes, this results in differences in flower color or form. We explore plants we sell grown from seed that regularly have color variation. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4020: Variation in seed grown crops
THE PLUG© - Week 3920: How to remove a Landscape Plug

Step-by-step on the best way to remove our Landscape Plugs from their trays and information about LP specifications for siting!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3920: How to remove a Landscape Plug
THE PLUG© - Week 3820: Selecting a Solidago

Choosing a goldenrod for a project? With so many Solidago species and cultivars available, we go through what we offer and their differences to help you make the best selection for your site. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3820: Selecting a Solidago
THE PLUG© - Week 3620: Why don't you grow this?

Why North Creek grows what it grows - a grower's perspective on why certain native plants are hard to find in the marketplace. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3620: Why don't you grow this?
THE PLUG© - Week 3520: Shipping Racks

Save time and money by utilizing our shipping racks delivered directly to your job site. Don't know what you need to qualify? Read on to learn!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3520: Shipping Racks
THE PLUG© - Week 3420: What is a nativar?

A contentious subject - what to use for a project? Native plants? Cultivars? Nativars? We explore the different takes on this topic. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3420: What is a nativar?
THE PLUG© - Week 3320: Fall Planting

Is fall the best time to plant? Get the scoop on the pros and cons of installing plants in the fall. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3320: Fall Planting
THE PLUG© - Week 3220: Modern Flowers

Plants for modern garden design - elevate your aesthetic with modern, sculptural plant selections

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3220: Modern Flowers
THE PLUG© - Week 3120: Drought + Disease

Drought and disease in late summer  - what to look for in the garden and how to fix it

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3120: Drought + Disease
THE PLUG© - Week 3020: Plants for Heat + Humidity

We're in the middle of summer and boy is it hot! We have a list of plants that not only tolerate the heat and humidity but relish it!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3020: Plants for Heat + Humidity
THE PLUG© - Week 2920: Flower Power ASAP

What to plant for beautiful blooms in June, July, and August. Design your gardens knowing what's in flower when!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2920: Flower Power ASAP
THE PLUG© - Week 2820: Improved Plant Search

IMPROVED plant search with new features and additional search requirements help you navigate our 400+ plants to find exactly what you need for each project. Get tips on how to utilize our plant search and what's new. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2820: Improved Plant Search
THE PLUG© - Week 2720: Drought Stress

It's hot out there! New plantings can be stressed as temperatures rise and precipation wanes. We give you the signs of drought stress and how often you should water in high summer. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2720: Drought Stress
THE PLUG© - Week 2620: Panicum

Meet our Panicum collection! Learn about the switchgrass varieties we offer, the differences between them, and what these warm-season grasses do for the environment and local wildlife. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2620: Panicum
THE PLUG© - Week 2520: Garden Perennial Maintenance that Elevates

Looking for simple ways to elevate a client's garden? A list of perennials that can use summer maintenance to take the garden from good to great. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2520: Garden Perennial Maintenance that Elevates
THE PLUG© - Week 2420: PSA on Spotted Lanternfly

They're Ba-AAACK! A PSA on Spotted Lanternfly.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2420: PSA on Spotted Lanternfly
THE PLUG© - Week 2220: 5 things I wish I knew before I started using LPs

After a couple of decades of experience working with Landscape Plugs, here are 5 things we wish we knew when we first started using them for installation projects. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2220: 5 things I wish I knew before I started using LPs
THE PLUG© - Week 2120: Trim Before Shipping

Who CHOPPED my plants?! (We did.) Here are the reasons we trim your plants before we ship them. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2120: Trim Before Shipping
THE PLUG© - Week 2020: Preparing a New Planting Site

Our tips and methods to prepare a new planting site, just in time for spring installations. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2020: Preparing a New Planting Site
THE PLUG© - Week 1920: Surviving Early-Season Weeds

Early-season weeds are a bane to every spring garden. We round up our favorite strategies to eliminate or lessen your weed labor, making it easier for you and your garden maintenance. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1920: Surviving Early-Season Weeds
THE PLUG© - Week 1819: Working with Kind Earth Growers

We've partnered with Kind Earth Growers to bring you more wetland plants! Learn what new plants we offer and get a complete plant list of water-loving favorites for your next installation. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1819: Working with Kind Earth Growers
THE PLUG© - Week 1720: Earth Day 2020

On the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, we reflect on our mission - to provide plants to improve the connection between humans and the natural environment. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1720: Earth Day 2020
THE PLUG© - Week 1520: Spring Ephemerals

Virginia bluebells are ready to ship! This woodland favorites are a beautiful spring ephemeral that we only carry for a short time. Find out why and what other spring plants grow great with them on this week's The Plug. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1520: Spring Ephemerals
THE PLUG© - Week 1420: Native plants in the herb garden

Want to add wildlife value to your kitchen and herb garden? Herb gardens are a wonderful way to add fresh taste and nutrition to your food but with these native plants, you can also provide more diverse offerings to pollinators while boosting your health!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1420: Native plants in the herb garden
THE PLUG© - Week 1320: Where to order plants online

For when you can't get to your local garden center, here is our list of reputable online plant dealers that ship directly to your door. Everything from hard-to-find plants, vegetables, herbs, flowers, shrubs, and even trees! It's all here and it ain't Amazon. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1320: Where to order plants online
THE PLUG© - Week 1220: Gardener's Quarantine Survival Kit

Here it is. Beautiful plant goodness for when you're stuck inside. So, whether you're self-isolating or because of bad weather, we've got our favorite shows, podcasts, and books to help you get through this!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1220: Gardener's Quarantine Survival Kit
THE PLUG© - Week 1120: The Power of Ferns

Now is the perfect time to order ferns in time for spring and early summer planting. We'll tell you why they're available for only a short window and teach you when is the best time to plant them. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1120: The Power of Ferns
THE PLUG© - Week 1020: Ecologically-minded Gardens

Are you transitioning a monoculture of lawn into a diverse pollinator haven? We're with you! In this post, we're giving you some of our favorite resources in how to add more wildlife value to your landscape. Together, we can create victory gardens for our pollinators!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1020: Ecologically-minded Gardens
THE PLUG© - Week 0920: New to North Creek? How to use our Availability

New to working with North Creek Nurseries? We've made a step-by-step tutorial on how to use our availability and order with us. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0920: New to North Creek? How to use our Availability
THE PLUG© - Week 0820: Virginia Wild-Rye

Virginia wild-rye (Elymus virginicus) is now only available through custom-grow. Learn why this plant, and some others, have been taken off our current availability but can still be grown for your landscape projects. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0820: Virginia Wild-Rye
THE PLUG© - Week 0720: 2020 Catalog + Resource Guide

It's here! It's online! See our online 2020 catalog + resource guide - full of our plants and lists for everything from what's deer-resistant to what's good to plant in a green roof. Not just a catalog - so much more!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0720: 2020 Catalog + Resource Guide
THE PLUG© - Week 0620: Talking new plants

Talking new plants and new products - what they are, how we choose them, and what's the next big thing on the horizon - with Brigitte Crawford, our New Products Manager. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0620: Talking new plants
THE PLUG© - Week 0520: Hit the ground running

Three native sedges that cover bare ground FAST after extensive ground restoration work

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0520: Hit the ground running
THE PLUG© - Week 0420: Beat the winter blues

Easy native plant ideas to bolster the ecological benefits to your tropical garden

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0420: Beat the winter blues
THE PLUG© - Week 0320: Plant this, NOT that!

12 easy native substitutes for common non-native plants in the garden

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0320: Plant this, NOT that!
THE PLUG© - Week 0220: We're on the Road

We've hit the road! Find out where the Creekers are heading for the 2020 season 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0220: We're on the Road
THE PLUG© - Week 5219: Welcome 2020 with new plants!

New North Creek plant introductions for the coming year!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 5219: Welcome 2020 with new plants!
THE PLUG© - Week 5019: Trial Offerings

We've introduced trial offerings! What is it and what does this mean for you?

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 5019: Trial Offerings
THE PLUG© - Week 4819: Winter Holiday Project Ideas

Need some inspiration for winter outdoor decor? Planters, containers, and a tree just for the wildlife are explored for this holiday season!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4819: Winter Holiday Project Ideas
THE PLUG© - Week 4719: Continuing Education Opporunities

As the season winds down, we reflect on some of our favorite conferences, symposia, and tradeshows to network, increase our knowledge, and gather inspiration. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4719: Continuing Education Opporunities
THE PLUG© - Week 4619: Delayed Fall Projects

Our customer service team's best tips on how to protect your plants if your fall planting project is delayed

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4619: Delayed Fall Projects
THE PLUG© - Week 4519: GSI Maintenance

Maintenance for green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) - ensure longevity with proper care

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4519: GSI Maintenance
THE PLUG© - Week 4419: Rethinking the lawn

Our top native plant picks to use an alternative to lawn

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4419: Rethinking the lawn
THE PLUG© - Week 4319: Entering Dormancy

Are they dying?! Nope, plants shipping now are just going to sleep!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4319: Entering Dormancy
THE PLUG© - Week 4119: Plant failures in garden design

Figuring out how and why a plant didn't perform in garden design

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4119: Plant failures in garden design
THE PLUG© - Week 4019: Gardening is for the birds!

Here's how to bring birds into the garden with the best native perennial plants to provide food + shelter. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4019: Gardening is for the birds!
THE PLUG© - Week 3919: Lookout for seed!

Increase your garden plants easily - now is an excellent time to look out for ripening seed. What to look for and our lazy gardener hacks on the easiest ways to grow natives from seed!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3919: Lookout for seed!
THE PLUG© - Week 3819: Rodent Issues

I got 99 problems but a chipmunk ain't one! Keeping chipmunks, rabbits, and other small animals out of your garden!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3819: Rodent Issues
THE PLUG© - Week 3719: Shade Groundcovers

More than vinca... beautiful colors and textures to use in low-maintenance shady spots!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3719: Shade Groundcovers
THE PLUG© - Week 3619: Classic Foundation Plantings

Plants for a foundation planting that are low-maintenance, easy, and beautiful!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3619: Classic Foundation Plantings
THE PLUG© - Week 3519: Deer Tolerance

Everything you need to know on what to do to prevent deer pressure in the garden!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3519: Deer Tolerance
THE PLUG© - Week 3419: Late-Blooming Winners

Perennials that can take a beating and stay on top. Flower power that doesn't just WOW but helps local insects. We're taking a look at some late-season native champions for a fall show. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3419: Late-Blooming Winners
THE PLUG© - Week 3319: Exploring Coreopsis

From swamps to hillsides, there's a Coreopsis for every garden!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3319: Exploring Coreopsis
THE PLUG© - Week 3219: Planting Windows

When should you plant our Landscape Plugs? Here are the advantages and disadvantages to each time frame in the growing season to figure out your ideal planting window. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3219: Planting Windows
THE PLUG© - Week 3019: Full-Sun Perennials around Black Walnut

Do you have a black walnut tree removed from your garden site recently? Here are our top picks for full-sun perennials tolerant of black walnut to put in your garden, a continuation from Plug post. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3019: Full-Sun Perennials around Black Walnut
THE PLUG© - Week 3119: Visit a Public Garden!

See our Landscape Plugs in action by checking out plants in public spaces! Here are some recommendations for great public gardens to visit, state-by-state.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3119: Visit a Public Garden!
THE PLUG© - Week 2919: Bird Protection

How to protect your newly-installed landscape from persistent waterfowl pests

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2919: Bird Protection
THE PLUG© - Week 2819: Deeply Rooted

Why use prairie plants? Grow deeper as we explore the benefits of natives with deep roots and how they can boost your garden and its design. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2819: Deeply Rooted
THE PLUG© - Week 2719: Summer Irrigation

How to irrigate your newly planted Landscape Plugs through the summer, the signs of drought stress and an overview of different forms of irrigation to decide what is best for you and your site.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2719: Summer Irrigation
THE PLUG© - Week 2619: Massive Flower Bloom!

A month-by-month list of our favorite perennials to create a massive seasonal bloom event in the garden!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2619: Massive Flower Bloom!
THE PLUG© - Week 2519: Maintenance Schedules Pt 2

A deeper look into scheduling large landscape maintenance with two free downloadable documents to help you plan!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2519: Maintenance Schedules Pt 2
THE PLUG© - Week 2419: Beyond Asters

Utilizing Aster-relatives for filling the perennial garden with durable blooms all summer long.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2419: Beyond Asters
THE PLUG© - Week 2319: Maintenance Schedules

A look into the calendar year for maintenance and care of large landscapes to plan and schedule weed controls methods

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2319: Maintenance Schedules
THE PLUG© - Week 2119: Geranium Blooms

A guide to the Geraniums we offer and when they bloom

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2119: Geranium Blooms
THE PLUG© - Week 2019: Hands-on Landscape Plug Workshop

Join us, as part of the Native Plants in the Landscape Conference, in using plants to tune into the power of green infrastructure!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2019: Hands-on Landscape Plug Workshop
THE PLUG© - Week 1919: Plants for the South

For the humid heat and acidic clay soils of The South, we give a list of 100+ native plants that can survive even the swampiest of weather!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1919: Plants for the South
THE PLUG© - Week 1819: Using an Auger

Installing hundreds of Landscape Plugs but short on time? We introduce you to our favorite spring planting tool, the 3" auger. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1819: Using an Auger
THE PLUG© - Week 1719: Installation Date Delayed

What to do if your installation date is delayed...

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1719: Installation Date Delayed

Controlled burns as a landscape management tool

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1619: SET IT ALL ON FIRE!
THE PLUG© - Week 1519: Mertensia viriginica only available in spring

Why are Virginia bluebells only available in spring? What about Celandine poppy?

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1519: Mertensia viriginica only available in spring
THE PLUG© - Week 1419: What to expect with your Landscape Plugs™

New to working with North Creek? Here is what to expect with our Landscape Plugs

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1419: What to expect with your Landscape Plugs™
THE PLUG© - Week 1319: Cool-Season Weed Control

Things are growing again...! But they're mostly weeds. A look at weed control timing. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1319: Cool-Season Weed Control
THE PLUG© - Week 1219: Evergreen Basal Rosettes

Using what's there- utilizing a plant's characteristics for design + function

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1219: Evergreen Basal Rosettes
THE PLUG© - Week 2318: After Installation

Monitoring your new Landscape Plugs

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 2318: After Installation
THE PLUG© - Week 3018: The Value of Mulch

To mulch or not to mulch? The use of mulch in the landscape

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3018: The Value of Mulch
THE PLUG© - Week 3118: Irrigation

How long should I water? The importance of irrigating newly-installed plugs in your landscape

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3118: Irrigation
THE PLUG© - Week 3218: Sedge Swap

Want to try something new? Here are 4 other plants to try beyond Pennsylvania sedge, Carex pensylvanica

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3218: Sedge Swap
THE PLUG© - Week 3518: Rain Gardens

What's a little rain? Checking in with our 3-year-old rain garden and learning how rain gardens help with flooding after a storm

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3518: Rain Gardens
THE PLUG© - Week 3618: Weed Management

The first step to weed management is properly identifying common weeds. Here are some of the most common weeds found in the Mid-Atlantic with recommended strategies for their control and removal.  

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3618: Weed Management
THE PLUG© - Week 3718: This Instead of That

Here are our favorite Top 10 Native Plants to plant en masse outcompete the weeds as part of your weed management strategy

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3718: This Instead of That
THE PLUG© - Week 3818: Warm-Season Grass Installation

Now is the time! When to have your warm-season grasses installed at your project

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3818: Warm-Season Grass Installation
THE PLUG© - Week 3918: Garden Tours

Ever wanted to visit North Creek Nurseries? Come to our First Friday Garden Tour, the 1st Friday of every month to learn about our plants, how we do things, and maybe, a little inspiration. 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 3918: Garden Tours
THE PLUG© - Week 4018: Aster Bloom

With over a dozen different Asters available from North Creek, here is our bloom chart to make sense of the collection and to stagger your garden bloom time for massive effect!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4018: Aster Bloom
THE PLUG© - Week 4118: Brookside Gardens

Visiting Brookside Gardens in Maryland, two years after renovating their parking lot using the Landscape Plug

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4118: Brookside Gardens
THE PLUG© - Week 4218: Waiting for Flowers

Investing in your garden: three of our favorite spring-time bloomers with flower power that is well worth the wait

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4218: Waiting for Flowers
THE PLUG© - Week 4318: Fall Garden Clean-up

Timing your garden cutbacks: why we prefer cleaning up our garden in the spring over the fall

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4318: Fall Garden Clean-up
THE PLUG© - Week 4418: The Grave Gardeners!

Just in time for Halloween, we check out the beautiful work done to revitalize a local cemetery in Philadelphia with the Grave Gardeners

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4418: The Grave Gardeners!
THE PLUG© - Week 4518: Garden Thugs

Right plant, wrong place: when good plants go bad and take over your garden!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4518: Garden Thugs
THE PLUG© - Week 4618: Attack of the jugalones!

There are black walnut trees everywhere! What to plant that tolerates black walnut jugalones

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4618: Attack of the jugalones!
THE PLUG© - Week 4718: Turkey Grass for Thanksgiving

The grass 'turkey feet' is actually beloved by turkeys?? A closer look at Andropogon gerardii 

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4718: Turkey Grass for Thanksgiving
THE PLUG© - Week 4818: Installation Sequence Matters!

What came first? The plug before the shrub? The order to install a landscape and why

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4818: Installation Sequence Matters!
THE PLUG© - Week 4918: Wetland Indicator Status

Wet feet or bone dry? How wetland indicator status helps identify suitable plant environments for planting design

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 4918: Wetland Indicator Status
THE PLUG© - Week 5018: Micropropagation

Getting tiny! A closer look at tissue culture and micropropagation of plants

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 5018: Micropropagation
THE PLUG© - Week 5118: Division + Cuttings

Divide and Conquer! A closer look at propagation through division and cuttings

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 5118: Division + Cuttings
THE PLUG© - Week 0119: Seed Collection

Seeds for the future! A closer look at seed sowing and propagating our plants by seed

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0119: Seed Collection
THE PLUG© - Week 0319: Cutting Back Hellebore

When to cut-back foliage for the Hellebore and provide polish to the Lenten Rose

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0319: Cutting Back Hellebore
THE PLUG© - Week 0419: Integrated Pest Management

North Creek Nurseries pest management: our pledge to the Pollinators, the People, and the Planet

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0419: Integrated Pest Management
THE PLUG© - Week 0519: Garden Cut-backs

So it begins... cutting back and cleaning up your garden in time for spring!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0519: Garden Cut-backs
THE PLUG© - Week 0619: Winter Seedheads

The marriage of beauty + utility. Seedheads in the winter for form and food.

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0619: Winter Seedheads
THE PLUG© - Week 0719: I-78 Landscape Plug™ Project

Landscape Plugs™ in action! Tour of a native plant planting along PA's I-78!

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0719: I-78 Landscape Plug™ Project
THE PLUG© - Week 0819: Green Mulch

Living mulch! Choosing evergreen groundcover plants to prevent weed germination

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0819: Green Mulch
THE PLUG© - Week 0919: Salt-Tolerant Planting Design

Please! I need plants that can take all this salt! Choosing plants with salt tolerance in the landscape

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 0919: Salt-Tolerant Planting Design
THE PLUG© - Week 1019: Shipments Arriving Now

My plants have arrived and it's cold out! Now what? Fresh plants + cold weather = bad news

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1019: Shipments Arriving Now
THE PLUG© - Week 1119: Breaking Dormancy

Why do my plants look dead? Learning about vernalization and plugs breaking dormancy in spring

Visit THE PLUG© - Week 1119: Breaking Dormancy